
First day back to Preschool...

All grown up... I remember when we got her this back pack 2 years ago it seemed so big... She was irritated with me because she had to hold the handles in the front to keep it on... Not this year. She quickly pointed out, "look Mommy it fits now!" I saw that before she said anything and it made me realize how much she has changed. She started at a new school this year and she amazes me at how easy it seemed. If she was nervous she didn't show it. I cried like a baby when I got to the car after dropping her off... I didn't expect it to hit me like that since she has been going to preschool for two years now... But this was different.. I am going to be a wreck next year... (note to self... Bring the kleenex)

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I've been meaning to tell you how much I love this picture. So adorable.