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Some pictures I am just drawn to... This is one of them.... His eye contact and expression are just priceless.... What a fun little guy he was....

Megan is always my model to test my lights... Most of the time I don't get anything since she doesn't like to be the model... But I love this one!
Meet "C." I have always loved her red hair! I think I have asked her a million times "is that your natural color!?" Yep! She needed an updated headshot for a new job so we had a mini photo shoot.... I love this one!

but when a cutie like this shows up with her Mom you gotta snap a few! In her Dora shirt, messy face and all I just knew I had to get a couple snaps of this cutie pie! I took her picture about two years ago when she was just a newborn and I can't believe how time flies... Her Mom came today to get some headshots done and she tagged along... What a good little girl she was! I even got to give her a lolli-pop!

I had a model show up on sleep over night so I had to take her picture! This is my niece... Megan and Erin got all dressed up in petti-coats and were the perfect models.... Erin cooperated longer than Megan so I actually got some shots of her... Megan on the other hand we got nada... She just doesn't like to sit still long enough anymore.... KIDS!
We were out front the other day playing with the afternoon light and Megan decided to pick a flower for me.... I have been trying to get a shot of her new tooth but she has gotten so good at posing that this seems to be the smile of choice for her... I will keep working to get that tooth!
What a fun session! and what a small world! While talking during the session we realized we are both from the same part of San Diego and even graduated from the same High School! How crazy is that! I love this shot! The Mommy to be looks amazing! More to come...
This is the first shot I opened from my session today! I had to share it! Not only is she a beautiful little girl but what a helper she was... With each back drop change she was there to help get it in place! More to come Mom and Dad but I had to share this one!
You would never know by this shot that this little guy gave us a run for our money! I love his sweet smile and those two little teeth showing on top! What a cutie pie! More to come Mom and Dad but as always I had to share...