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This is Miss "M." She is the famous baby that was on my business cards last year... (the shot above) and now look at her... She just turned one and is oh so adorable. She was all smiles today... I can't believe it has been a year... What a doll...

There is something about a pouty little lip that melts my heart! "A" is Mr. "N's" little sister and she did an awesome job as well... What was funny with these two is that they both wanted to have their picture taken at the same time! There is a sweetness to this shot that I am just drawn to.. As soon as I opened it I knew it was a keeper...

This is Mr. "N!" What a little character.... He was sooo much fun! and so full of expressions, he made my job easy! He is about to have his Birthday so his Mommy brought him over to get his pictures done. I just loved this little guy... Keep checking back to see his sweet little sister! Off to proof her shots...
This is Miss "H." She has to be the cutest thing ever! We ran out of time on Sunday when I took her sister's newborn pictures, so "H", her Mom and baby Sister came to play today... She has the bluest eyes and red ruby lips! What a combo... and her little personality, can you tell I just love this little sweetie... You would never know that she didn't want to wear the hat!

This is baby "G." She made her way into the world six weeks early... I did her Mommy's maternity photos just in time! Little miss came a few days after the shoot! She is just over three weeks old in these and sooo teeny! What a little peach she is... Here is a sneak peak for her Dad, Mom and Big Sister....
I think I would be in trouble with my sister if I forgot to share this one. Megan has six cousins and four of them are girls... 3 from her Daddy's side and one from my side. I love this picture of "J!" I was so excited to try out the floor length tutu! Now to get some shots of her brothers to share! Wish me luck!
Here is one of little Miss Megan... She started Kindergarten this year... Where does the time go??? This one is after a hard day at School... She changed into her comfy PJ's and I decided to snap a couple shots... Gotta love Hello Kitty and that messy hair... (and just in case you are wondering?? Yes that is the lipstick the 80's made famous!)

Here is number 3! I love everything about this shot! From her little kiss-ee face to the green scarf and hat. This one is all "E." Makes me want to just swoop over and hug her!

This is my other niece, commonly known as the "middle child!" Since she was very little she has always reminded me of the little "Precious Moments" figurines you can buy at Hallmark... She has such the sweetest little face...