Who would have know digging in the yard would prove to be so much fun! Megan spent the weekend helping her Daddy move dirt back into the hole that we paid $250.00 bucks to have dug... (don't ask) We have changed gears and have decided to put in more grass and rock than the orginal plan called for. So the hole has to be filled... and we say goodbye to our second swimming pool... She was a woman on a mission with that shovel.. I think she even moved more dirt then I did!
This is baby "P." What a little stinker he is! He stayed awake almost the entire shoot... We finally managed to get him to take a couple cat naps so we could snap some sleeping shots... We didn't dare move him too much, in fear he would wake up... Look how big his Mommy's ring looks on his little toes...
This is Ethan. Megan's Daddy told her if she ate her lima beans he would get her a new kitty. Needless to say he didn't think she would! Well that girl ate almost the whole bowl full... So keeping to his promise we went to the Humane Society on Saturday. I kept looking at all the "little kittens" while Daddy spotted "Big E" immediately... We decided to meet Ethan and he is just the sweetest guy... He is between 2-3 years old and we knew he may be there awhile since most people prefer kittens... So we adopted him... He has got to be over 20 lbs... He is a siamese mix... Koko is a little irritated to have a new kid on the block so for now we have them separated... I will keep you updated on the progress...
Isn't he just the sweetest thing ever! This is baby "G" and he was such the trooper! He is just 3.5 weeks old and the little guy pretty much slept through the whole shoot... Just a couple breaks for some food and he was out like a light... Just look at his little face...
Isn't she just too cute... Miss "H" was shy too! Funny thing is, I have known her since she was about eight months old... I love her sweet smile in this shot...
Those eyes! I took "B's" pictures a couple years ago and she has grown up so much... She has the most beautiful brown eyes! If you look closely you can see me and the sky in them....
Hi Preschool Dads and Moms! First off it was so fun getting to meet and photograph your kiddos at Miss. "K's" Preschool! I think I shot about four memory cards full of your little darlings... It usually takes me a week to ten days to get through a session so please know I am proofing as fast as I can! If you would like a sneak peak and don't mind your child being posted on my blog please email me at daja@photographybydaja.com to let me know it is ok. I will have a release form that will need to be signed by you at Miss "K's" next week for any children I have an email ok to post on the blog. I am excited to let you see what we got! Oh and a special Thanks to you, Margaret, for being my assistant...
Miss "E" was at the preschool shoot today... She is the sister of little 'A." Although she doesn't attend the preschool she wanted her picture taken too! What a sweet smile!
Here is a sneak peak from the preschool shoot I did today... This is "A" and I don't think he could get any cuter! I only had time to download and edit this one before we had to go to a Birthday party tonight... There are plenty more to look at and edit but I just had to share this one.... Ok back to work...
Hi all! I just thought it would be fun to see who actually reads the PBD blog.. I have decided to have a blog contest... If you live in the area of Surprise, AZ. or anywhere within 25 miles of Surprise, add a comment to this post and I will put your name into a drawing to win a free session with me. (a $50.00 value) Make sure to leave your email address in your comment so I can contact you if you are the winner! I will run this contest through the rest of April and draw for the winner on 05-01-08! Good luck everyone...
Isn't this chair to die for! It was totally by chance that "A's" clothes matched! When her Mom took out this outfit I was so excited and I knew we had to use my latest find... I also have the chair in a dark brown which will be perfect for little boys... So excited! I just love how they are "kid sized!"
These shots are from a recent session. I was so excited to try out my new "white wood" floor and baseboard. The pink and black give Miss "J" a funky vibe! She is too darn cute... Stay tuned for more shots from this session..
Here are a couple from my latest maternity shoot. I enjoyed working with "A" and "P" so much. They are such a fun couple! "A" is so beautiful in these... Her red hair is her natural color! I can't wait to meet the baby!
Here are a couple new ones of Miss Megan. I loved these so much that I ordered the first one as a color 12x16 canvas on matboard and the last one as a 20x20 gallery wrap canvas print. I am so excited to get these... She looks so cute in her glasses! I am so used to her wearing them that when she takes them off she doesn't look like "Megan" to me...